Welcome to our Human Resource
Management Services

Welcome to our website! We are a leading provider of human resource management Services, offering a range of solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses. With our expertise and experience, we help organisations effectively manage their most valuable asset – their people. Whether you require HR consultancy or contract IT staffing, we have the solutions to drive your business forward.

“We redefine Human Resource Management with cutting-edge solutions. From recruitment to employee engagement, our comprehensive HRM tools empower organizations to optimize their workforce, streamline processes, and foster a culture of excellence. Elevate your human capital management with Amika Softwares, where innovation meets HR efficiency for sustained business success.”

At Amika Softwares, we are passionate about helping businesses optimise their HR practices and build high-performing teams. Whether you need HR consultancy or contract IT staffing services, we are here to support you every step of the way.

    HR Consultancy

    Our HR consultancy services are tailored to address the unique challenges and goals of your organization. We understand that every business is different, and that’s why we take a personalized approach to meet your specific needs. Our team of seasoned HR professionals collaborates closely with you to identify opportunities for improvement, streamline processes, and develop effective strategies to enhance your HR practices. From recruitment and talent acquisition to performance management and employee engagement, we provide comprehensive guidance and support across the entire HR spectrum.

    Our HR consultancy services include


    Recruitment & Talent Acquisition

    We assist in attracting, selecting, and onboarding top talent for your organization. Through a combination of targeted sourcing strategies and rigorous assessment processes, we help you build a high-performing team.
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    Performance Management

    We work with you to establish performance goals, design effective appraisal systems, & implement performance improvement plans. Our aim is to align individual & team objectives with the overall business objectives.
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    Employe Engagement & Retention

    We help you create a positive work environment that promotes employee satisfaction, motivation & loyality. By implementing engagement initiatives, we strive to enhance retention rates.

    HR Policies & Procedures

    Our experts assist in developing & updating HR policies & procedures that comply with legal requirements & best practices. We ensure your policies are fair, transparent & aligned with your organization's values.

    Contract IT Staffing

    In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, having the right IT talent is crucial for success. Our contract IT staffing services offer you flexible and scalable solutions to meet your temporary and project-based staffing needs. We have a vast network of highly skilled IT professionals who can seamlessly integrate into your team and contribute to your project’s success.

    Our contract IT staffing services include

    access to top talent

    Skillful Candidate Selection

    We carefully screen & evaluate candidates to ensure they possess necessary technical expertise & experience required for your specific project. Our rigorous selection process guarantees that you receive top-tier professionals who can hit ground running.
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    Fast & Efficient Staffing

    We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to project deadlines. Our streamlined processes and extensive candidate database allow us to quickly identify and deploy skilled IT professionals, enabling you to meet your project timelines effectively.

    Flexibility & Scalability

    With contract IT staffing solutions, you have flexibility to scale your workforce up or down as per your project requirements. Whether you need additional resources for short-term project or specialised skillset, we can provide right professionals.
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    Dedicated Support

    Throughout the contract period, we provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth collaboration between your team and our IT professionals. We remain committed to your project's success and actively address any concerns or challenges that may arise.

    Contact us Today

    Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in achieving your HR and staffing goals.

    Human Resource Management
